Effects Of Alcohol On The Body And Mind

What Are the Effects of Alcohol?
Every person is different in nature therefore, the effects of alcohol vary from person to person. While some people may be able to limit their drinking, others have a difficult time controlling their alcohol consumption in daily life.
In fully understand the consequences of drinking, you should first know what constitutes as alcohol drink. One alcohol drink is recognized as:
- 12 fluid ounces of beer – approximately 5% of alcohol
- 8 fluid ounces of malt liquor – about 7% of alcohol
- 5 fluid ounces of wine – roughly 12 % of alcohol
- One and one-half ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits (vodka, rum, gin, tequila, whisky, etc.) – an estimated 40 % of alcohol
The effects of alcohol can be influenced by a number of risk factors such as the amount consumed, medical history, tolerance to alcohol, and other drugs mixed with alcohol.
If you are experiencing the effects of alcohol, this is the time to get help.Treatment professionals can put you in touch with top-rated alcohol rehab facilities which will assist you in getting your life back on track of new alcohol free life.
Understanding Blood Alcohol Content
A person’s blood alcohol content (BAC) determines the effect of alcohol on the central nervous system has. Those who have built up a tolerance to alcohol can drink more than those with a lower tolerance level of alcohol.
Depending on your BAC, you can experience an array of side effects of alcohol in human health that range from minor complications to more severe ones. For example, lower BAC percentages tend to come with temporary side effects that subside within a few hours after consuming alcohol. However, as BAC percentages increase, the symptoms become much more serious and can be life-threatening and may cause death.
Binge drinkers are person who had 39 percent more likely to suffer from any type of stroke, CVD than those who do not partake in binge drinking.
In the United States, more than two million people suffer from liver disease due to more alcohol consumption.
Alcohol will suppress the immune system, making a person more at risk of developing infection and disease in the body.
How Alcohol Abuse Affects the Body
Alcohol consume can affect your body both inside and out. Even though you’re unable to see the damage drinking causes to your internal organs, it’s important not to ignore the warning signs of alcohol. Sometimes the harmful effects aren’t discovered until making it difficult to reverse many health complications and health problems.
In every organ in your body can feel the effects of drinking, some are more at risk for extensive damage. The best way to prevent health issues and in the future is to quit drinking with the help of a professional treatment program.
Effects of Alcohol in Brain
Alcohol’s effects on the brain can be felt very quickly. alcohol can cause temporary complications such as memory loss and coordination, it can also lead to long-term side effects that are sometimes irreversible may be reversible.
Prolonged and long excessive alcohol use can interfere with how the brain functions, as well as how it’s structured. Damage to different regions of the brain, mainly in the cerebellum, limbic system and cerebral cortex, can significantly impact the body’s communication pathways. For example, the cerebellum handles the body’s motor skills. When alcohol affects cerebellum area of the brain, you are more likely to experience a loss of balance, as well as memory and emotional response issues as a problems.
Side effects of alcohol on Heart
The heart is extremely bad effects of alcohol consumption. Over time, heavy drinking can weaken the heart, impacting how the oxygen and nutrients are delivered to other vital organs in the body. Excessive alcohol consumption can increase triglyceride levels high which is a type of fat in blood. High levels of triglycerides contribute to the risk of developing dangerous heart health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.
Some of the cardiovascular effects like high blood pressure and an irregular heartbeat, can lead the problems down the road. Long term consequences of excessive drinking may include cardiomyopathy, irregular heartbeat stroke and sudden cardiac death.
Alcohol effect in Liver
Heavy drinkers are risk of harmful which may potentially life-threatening liver problems. When you drink, your liver breaks down alcohol and removes it from blood. However, too much alcohol in a short period of time can make bad the metabolism process and lead to fatty liver which is problem to liver. Fatty liver which is a chronic condition that involves the buildup of bad fats in the liver. Obesity and oil consumption is the biggest factors of fatty liver. It may also cause liver failure and type 2 diabetes.
Other serious liver complications are associated with prolonged and excessive alcohol consumption are alcoholic hepatitis, fibrosis and cirrhosis. While each of these conditions is care and treatable, they require a proper medical diagnosis and intensive treatment plan for health.
Alcohol effect in Pancreas
The pancreas is part of the digestive process and helps to regulate body’s blood sugar levels. Drinking alcohol is over many years can start to negatively impact the pancreas and cause lasting health complications. Unfortunately, the early stages of many pancreatic conditions are often unfelt and may also left untreated.
Long-term alcohol taken can eventually cause the blood vessels around the pancreas to swell, leading to pancreatitis. This greatly increases your risk of developing pancreatic cancer which is a type of cancer that spreads rapidly and is very dangerous in health. Symptoms of an acute pancreatic attack may include abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea,vomiting, fast heart rate and fever. While medications and other treatment methods can help manage the effects of pancreatitis, it is very difficult to reverse the condition of health.
Can you breast feed and drink alcohol
If you have a drinking habit your doctor will certainly advise you to stop during pregnancy. Alcohol can damage the growing baby inside you. Similarly refrain from alcoholism during breastfeeding. Following may happen happen if you are drinking while lactating
- Alcohol reduces milk secretion
- Levels of alcohol in breast milk is the same as in your blood, so while you are drinking your baby also is forced to drink. She doesn’t have a developed system to clear the alcohol content from her body.
- Alcohol may impair growth and motor function of the baby
- It may derange hormonal balance and retain fluid in your baby
What happens when you mix pain pills and alcohol
• Certain pain killers like Aspirin increases emptying time of stomach, leading to
faster alcohol absorption in the small intestine.
• Alcohol can convert certain pain killers into a toxic product, potentially causing liver damage.
Can you drink alcohol and drive
Driving in a drunken state is a serious crime and attracts penalty. You can cause accidents, may hurt yourself or the passer by. It is advisable to take help of others and avoid driving when you are under alcohol.
Can you have alcohol on medications
Many of the medications carry warning on use with alcohol. Drugs like few antibiotics can give rise to serious health side effects. Other medications may not work properly. It is always advisable not to drink while on treatment. This may change few blood test parameters as well.

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