Kidney Function Tests For Health Check

You have two kidneys, each about the size of a human fist, one on either side of your spine. They are beneath your rib cage and posterior to your abdomen. Numerous crucial tasks for sustaining your health are played by your kidneys. Filtering waste from the blood and removing it from the body as urine is one of their most crucial tasks. The levels of different vital minerals and water in the body are also managed by the kidneys. Vitamin D hormones that control blood pressure red blood cells. Kidney function tests are series of investigations to detect diseases affecting the organ.
Symptoms of kidney problems
You may experience the following signs of kidney trouble: pee with blood due to high blood pressure, trouble starting to urinate, frequent urges to urinate, unpleasant urination, swelling of the hands and feet brought on by the body’s fluid retention. A single symptom might not be a severe sign. These signs, however, point to a problem with your kidneys when they appear simultaneously. Tests of kidney function can help identify the cause.
Types of kidney function tests
Your doctor will prescribe a series of tests to determine your glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in order to assess the health of your kidneys. How rapidly your kidneys are eliminating waste from your body is indicated by your GFR to your doctor.
A urinalysis checks the urine for the presence of blood and protein. Protein in urine can occur for a variety of causes, not all of which are medical. Both an infection and a strenuous physical exertion cause an increase in urine protein. After a few weeks, your doctor might wish to conduct this test once more to verify if the outcomes are consistent.You might also be asked to give a 24-hour urine collection sample by your doctor. This enables medical professionals to monitor the rate at which a waste substance called creatine leaves your body. Muscle tissue breaks down into creatinine.
Serum creatinine test
This blood test checks to see if your blood’s level of creatinine is rising. Normally, the kidneys fully remove creatinine from the blood. A renal issue is suggested by a high creatinine level.
The National renal Foundation (NKF) states that a creatinine level more than 1.2 mg/dL for women and 1.4 mg/dL for men indicates renal disease.
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
Your blood’s waste levels are also examined by the blood urea nitrogen (BUN) test. BUN tests evaluate the blood’s nitrogen content and constitute most important kidney function tests. A byproduct of protein breakdown is urea nitrogen. But not all increased BUN levels indicate damaged kidneys. Your BUN can also go up if you use a lot of prescription drugs, such as certain antibiotics and high doses of aspirin. It’s crucial to let your doctor know about any vitamins or medications you routinely take. A few days prior to the test, you might need to cease using some medications. Between 7 to 20 mg/dL is considered a normal BUN level. A higher figure might indicate a number of various health issues.

Estimated GFR
This examination gauges how well your kidneys are removing waste. The test examines various elements, including:test findings, particularly creatinine levels, as well as age, gender, race, height, and weight. Any result less than 60 ml/min/1.73 m2 could be a red flag for renal disease.
How the kidney function tests are performed
- 24-hour urine sample
A creatinine clearance test uses a 24-hour urine sample. It gives your doctor an indication of the daily creatinine output from your body. Use the loo as you normally would when you get up on the day you begin the test.Use the special container your doctor has provided to urinate into for the remainder of the day and night. During the collection process, make sure the container is sealed and chilled. Tell your family members why the item is in the refrigerator and label the container clearly. The 24-hour collection process is finished at this point.Pay attention to your doctor’s directions regarding where to send the sample.
- Blood samples
Blood samples must be drawn from patients in a lab or doctor’s office for BUN and serum creatinine tests. Before drawing any blood, the technician secures an elastic band around your upper arm. This highlights the veins. After that, the technician cleans the region around the vein. They penetrate your skin with a hollow needle and insert it into a vein. Once more, the blood will flow into a test tube for analysis. When the needle enters your arm, you can experience a painful pinch or prick. After the test, the professional will cover the puncture site with gauze and a bandage. Over the following few days, a bruise may form on the spot where the puncture was made. You shouldn’t experience severe or persistent pain, though.
Treatment of early kidney disease
If the tests reveal early kidney damage, your doctor will concentrate on treating the underlying illness. If the tests reveal hypertension, your doctor will prescribe drugs to lower blood pressure. Your doctor could recommend that you consult an endocrinologist if you have diabetes. This kind of doctor can ensure that you have the finest blood glucose control possible because they specialize in metabolic illnesses. Your doctor will take the necessary steps to treat any illnesses that may be the cause of your abnormal kidney function tests, such as kidney stones and excessive painkiller use.You will likely require ongoing kidney function testing in the months to come if the test results are abnormal. These will facilitate your physician’s monitoring .